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Selling SportsOffice

Here are the steps ahead to establish SportsOffice as the operating platform for your customers:

"Getting to know you". This step is done. You know your customer and they know you. You have a personal relationship. SportsOffice is a new product you can sell and make money. And, it is the future for a tighter, mutually beneficial arrangement.

Introducing SportsOffice. Use your own technique. We can supply you with plenty to say, but you don't need to be a geek-master to explain it. If the customer has a web presence now, we'll analyze it and show how  much better life could be.

Referral. Your goal. Hand off the ball and introduce us to your customer.

• SportsOffice will demo, answer questions and possibly even tweak our software to make it work for your customer.

There may be bottlnecks and local politics you can help us deal with.

Sale. Setup. Registration. Payday.

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